• Video SEF

  • SEF adalah komunitas ilmiah mahasiswa UG dengan minat ekonomi syariah, di bawah naungan BEM FE Universitas Gunadarma bimbingan Bpk. Budi Prijanto, SE., MMSI.

E-BOOK (Downloadable)

Materi Seminar

1. Paket Seminar Nasional Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (IAEI) – Kementerian Keuangan RI
“Integerasi Keuangan Syariah Menuju Stabilitas Keuangan dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Berkelanjutan”
Selasa, 14 April 2015
1. Materi – Achmad Kusna Permana (Direktur Permata Bank Syariah)
2. Materi – Fauzi Ichsan (Plt Kepala Eksekutif Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan)
3. Materi – Adiwarman Karim (Direktur Karim Consulting Indonesia)
4. Materi – Isa Rachmatarwata (Staf Ahli Bidang Regulasi dan Kebijakan Sektor Jasa Keuangan dan Pasar Modal)
5. Materi – Dr. Halim Alamsyah (Deputi Gurbenur Bank Indonesia) *Dibawakan oleh Dr. Rifki Ismal*
6. Materi – Firdaus Djaelani (Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas IKNB, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan)


1. E-book Tata Cara Pendirian BMT (pkes publishing)–NEW (230908)

2. E-book Bankku Syariah (pkes publishing) –NEW (230908)

3. E-book Perbankan Syariah (pkes publishing) –NEW (230908)

4. E-book Lembaga Bisnis Syariah (pkes publishing) –NEW (230908)

5. E-book Gerakan 3H Ekonomi Syariah (pkes publishing) –NEW (240908)

6. E-book Tuntunan Praktis Menggunakan Jasa Perbankan Syariah (pkes publishing) –NEW (240908)

7. E-book Kamus Populer Keuangan dan Ekonomi Syariah (pkes publishing) –NEW (240908)

8. E-book Menjawab Keraguan Umat Islam Terhadap Bank Syariah (pkes publishing) –NEW (240908)

9. E-book Khutbah Jumat Ekonomi Syariah 1 (pkes publishing)—NEW (240908)

10. E-book Paradigma Baru Ekonomi Islam (Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, Vol. 1 No. 2, Desember 2007)

11. E-Book Pedoman Akuntansi Organisasi Pengelolaan Zakat (terbitan Forum Zakat/FOZ, PA-OPZ 2005)

12. E-Book Zakat dan Peran Negara (terbitan Forum Zakat/FOZ)

literatur eBook Ekonomi-Keuangan Syariah

1. Ekonomi Islam Substantif (2009) Aam S. Rusydiana, dkk. Buku “segar” yang berbicara tentang Ekonomi Islam out of the box. Ditulis oleh intelektual-intelektual muda ekonomi Islam. DOWNLOAD

2. Akad & Produk Bank Syariah (2007) Ascarya. Buku karya peneliti ekonomi syariah Indonesia, Ascarya, yang mengupas tuntas seluruh aspek yang berkaitan dengan akad-akad dan produk perbankan syariah. Sangat cocok untuk mereka yang ingin mengenal lebih dalam ihwal Bank Syariah. DOWNLOAD

 3. A History of Interest Rates (1963) Sidney Homer & Richard Sylla.
Sebuah buku yang membahas asal-muasal, ‘origin’, dan sejarah bunga dalam ekonomi. Homer dan Sylla mengupasnya dengan sangat baik sehingga menjadi referensi yang tak ternilai.DOWNLOAD
4. Islamic Capital Market Products: Developments & Challenges (2005) Salman Syed Ali. Buku terbitan IRTI ini membahas banyak tentang produk-produk Pasar Modal syariah, bagaimana perkembangan dan tantangannya ke depan. Sang penulis, Syed Ali menulis hasil penelitiannya ini pada 2005. Cocok bagi Anda yang ingin mempelajari Islamic Capital Market.DOWNLOAD
5.Hedging in Islamic Finance (2006) Sami Al-Suwailem. Buku berjudul Hedging in Islamic Finance bercerita tentang beberapa hal diantaranya: Volatilitas Pasar Uang, Produk-produk Derivatif, Teori Gharar, Financial Engineering dan Pendekatan Islam terkait itu semua. DOWNLOAD
6. Riba, Bank Interest and the Rationale of Its Prohibition (2004) M. Nejatullah Siddiqi. Tulisan pakar ekonomi Islam dunia, Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi tentang fundamental ekonomi Islam: mengapa riba dilarang dan rasional-rasional yang mendasarinya. Ilmiah dan wajib dibaca DOWNLOAD
7.Fatwa on Banking and the Use of Interest Received on Bank Deposits (2006) Umar Ibrahim Vadillo. Umar Vadillo,”tokoh fundamentalis” ekonomi Islam membuat tulisan tentang fatwa-fatwa seputar bank. Di dalam karyanya, banyak kritik yang dialamatkan terhadap institusi bunga, uang kertas dan riba secara umum. DOWNLOAD
8. Islamic Banking and Finance: Fundamentals and Contemporary Issues (2004) Salman Syed Ali & Ausaf Ahmad. Karya terbitan IRTI IDB ini adalah kumpulan dari paper-paper pilihan dari konferensi ekonomi Islam internasional yang diselenggarakan di Brunei Darussalam dengan topik utama sesuai dengan judul bukunya, fundamental dan isu-isu seputar perbankan dan keuangan Islam.DOWNLOAD
9. The Islamic Moral Economy: A Study of Islamic Money and Financial Instruments (2010) Shafiel A. Karim. Buku baru yang mengetengahkan studi tentang masalah uang dan moneter dalam tinjauan Islam. Selain itu dibahas pula konsep riba dan derivan-derivannya. DOWNLOAD
10.Islam and the Economic Challenge (1995) Muhammad Umer Chapra. Salah satu buku terbaik hasil tulisan pakar terbaik ekonomi Islam dunia, M. Umer Chapra. Beliau adalah pioner dari jajaran ekspertise ekonomi Islam modern periode awal. DOWNLOAD
11.Islamic Finance: Law, Economics and Practice (2006) Mahmoud el-Gamal.
Karya yang memuat sisi hukum, ekonomi dan praktik dari keuangan Islam. Termasuk di dalamnya skema-skema keuangan dalam Islam, arbitrasi syariah, hingga peran regolator dan pemerintah. DOWNLOAD
 A.  BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS Dr. Muhammad Umer Chapra [Research Advisor at the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Jeddah] (Sumber : http://www.muchapra.com )

‏1.Towards a Just Monetary System (Leicester, UK: the Islamic Foundation, 1985).

2. Objectives of the Islamic Economic Order (Leicester, UK: the Islamic Foundation, 1979) – this paper represents the first two chapters of the book, Economic System of Islam (London: Islamic Council of Europe, 1975)

3. The Islamic Welfare State and Its Role in the Economy (Leicester, U.K.: The Islamic Foundation, 1979). This paper was first presented at the Islamic Economics Conference held at Makkah in February 1976 under the auspices of the King Abdul Aziz University and published in Khurshid Ahmad and Zafar Ishaq Ansari, Islamic Perspectives (Leicester, U.K.: The Islamic Foundation, 1979).

4. Islam and the Economic Challenge (Leicester, UK: The Islamic Foundation; and   Washington, DC: IIIT, 1992)

5. Islam and Economic Developmenta Strategy for Development with Stability in the light of Justice and Islamic teachings, (Washington, DC, and Islamabad, IIIT, 1994).

6. What is Islamic Economics? (Jeddah, IRTI/IDB, No. 9 in the IDB Prize Winners’ Lecture Series, 1996).

7. With Tariqullah Khan, Regulation and Supervision of Islamic Banks, (Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, Occasional Paper No. 3,  2000).

8. Prohibition of Interest: Does it Make Sense(Durban: Islamic Da‘wah Movement, August 2001). This booklet  includes the three papers cited in items 14, 15 and 40 below.

9. With Habib Ahmed, Corporate Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions (Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, Occasional Paper No. 6, 2002).

10. Muslim Civilization: Causes of Decline and the Need for Reform (Leicester, UK : The Islamic Foundation, 2008).

11. The Islamic Vision of Development in the Light of Maqasid al-Shari‘ah, (Jeddah: IRTI/IDB, 2008 and Washington: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2008).

12. The Global Financial Crisis: Some Suggestions for Reform of the Global Financial Architecture in the Light of Islamic Finance (Kyoto, Japan: Research Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University, 2008).


1. “Is Rationalism Possible in the Muslim World?”  The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Winter 1999, pp. 103-128

2. “Is it Necessary to have Islamic Economics?” The Journal of Socio-Economics, Western Illinois University, USA, April 2000, pp.21-37.

3. “Socio-Economic and Political Dynamics of Ibn Khaldun” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Winter 1999, pp. 17-38

4. “Islamic Economic Thought and the New Global Economy” – a paper presented at the symposium held on 22 January 2001, as a part of the Janadriyyah celebrations organized in Riyadh by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of National Guards.

5. “The Contribution of Mawlana Mawdūdī to Islamic Economics” – a paper written for a special issue on Mawlana Mawdūdī to be published in the Muslim World, Journal of the Hartford Seminary (Harvard University).

6. “Nature and Significance of Islamic Economics”, Al-Manar (IDB), April 2004, pp. 6 – 11.

7. “Islamic Economics: What it is and How it Developed” (EH.NET Encyclopaedia) (http://eh.net/encyclopedia/article/ chapra.Islamic).

8. “Ethics and Economics in Islam and the West” (paper presented at a Seminar organized by the Goethe, Institute, Munich, Germany, and the Dar al-Fikr, Syria, in Damascus on 21 June 2007.

9. “Global Economic Challenges and Islam”, Policy Perspectives (Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad), Vol.3, July-December 2006, No. 2, pp. 19-41

10. “Guarantee of Satisfaction of Fundamental Needs”, a paper written for the Encyclopaedia of Islamic Economics.

11. “Strategic Vision and Plan for Future Research in Islamic Economics


1. “The Need for a New Economic System,” Review of Islamic Economics, 1/1991, pp. 9-47; reproduced in Tim Niblock and Rodney Wilson, The Political Economy of the Middle East(Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1999), Vol.3 (Islamic Economics), pp.76-114.


1. “Islam and Economic Development: A Discussion within the Framework of Ibn Khaldun’s Philosophy of History”, key-note address delivered at the Harvard University Forum on “Islamic Finance into the 21st Century”, held on 9-10 October 1998, and published in the Proceedings of the Forum (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University,  1999).

2. “Ibn Khaldun’s Theory of Development and Contemporary Development Economics

2b.  “Development Economics: Lessons that Remain to be Learned”, a paper submitted to Islamic Studies (Islamabad). A shorter version of this paper is included as Preface in the Persian translation. HTML   MSWORD

3. “Ibn Khaldun’s Theory of Development: Does it Help Explain the Low Performance of the Present-Day Muslim World?” The Journal of Socio-Economics, 2008.


1. “Money and Banking in an Islamic Framework” – in M. Ariff, ed. (Jeddah: International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, King Abdul Aziz University, 1982), pp. 145-186. The Arabic translation of this paper was published in the Journal of Research in Islamic Economics, Winter 1984.

2. “Monetary Policy in an Islamic Economy,” in Ziauddin Ahmad, et. al.(eds.), Money and Banking in Islam  (Islamabad: Institute of Policy Studies), 1983, pp. 27-68.

3. “Comments on the Council of Islamic Ideology Report on Elimination of Interest”  in ibid., pp. 212-223.

4.  “The Nature of Riba in Islam” – Hamdard Islamicus, Spring 1984, pp. 3-24.

5. “The Role of Islamic Banks in Non-Muslim Countries”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, July 1992, pp. 295-97

6. “Monetary Management in an Islamic EconomyIslamic Economic Studies (IRTI, Jeddah), December, 1996, pp. 1-34.

7. “Islam and the International Debt Problem”, lecture given at the King Faysal Foundation on 10 June 1991 under the auspices of the King Faysal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, published in the Journal of Islamic Studies (Oxford University), July 1992, pp.214-32.

8. Alternative Visions of International Monetary Reform, a paper presented to the Fourth International Islamic Economics Conference held at the Loughborough University on 13-15 August 2000. It was published in the Proceedings of the Conference edited by Munawar Iqbal and  David Llewellyn,   Islamic Banking and Finance: New Perspectives on Profit-Sharing and Risk (Chettenhem, UK: Edward Elgar, 2002), pp.219-240.

9.“The Case Against Interest: Is it Compelling”, a paper written for presentation at the International Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance to be held in Brunei on 5-7 January 2004.

10. “Challenges Facing the Islamic Financial Industry”, Handbook of Islamic Economics and Finance, ed., Profs. Kabir Hasan and Merwyn Lewis (Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2007), 325-357.

11. Innovation and Authenticity in Islamic Finance, Keynote address presented at the inaugural session of the Eighth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance held on 19-20 April 2008 in the Harvard Law School


1. S.N.H. Naqvi Ethics and Economics – an Islamic Synthesis,  (Leicester, UK: The Islamic Foundation, 1981), in The Muslim World Book Review, Autumn 1981, pp. 21-26.

2. M. N. Siddiqi, Muslim Economic Thinking – A Survey of Contemporary Literature, (Leicester, UK: The Islamic Foundation, 1981), in The Muslim World Book Review, Spring 1981, p.45-6.

3.  J.G. de Beus, Shall We Make the Year 2000? Decisive Challenges to the Western Civilization  (London: Sidqwick and Jackson, 1982), in The Impact International, 27 December 1985– 9 January 1986, pp. 13-14.

4. Norman Macrae, The 2024 Report (London: Sidqwick and Jackson, 1984), in The Impact International, 27 December 1985 – 9 January 1986, pp. 13-14.

5. Ozay Mehmet, Islamic Identity and Development Studies of the Islamic Periphery  (London: Routledge, 1990), in the Journal of Islamic Studies (Oxford), January 1992, pp. 135-7.

6. Yassine Essid, A Critique of the Origins of Islamic Economic Thought, (Leiden: Brill, 1995) inThe Journal of Islamic Studies, January 1998, pp. 110 -12.

7. Paul Mills and John Presley, Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice, London: Macmillan Press, 1999), in The Islamic Economic Studies 1&2 (7), October 1999 and April 2000, pp.137-39.

8. M.M. Al-Azami, The History of the Qur’anic Text from Revelation to Completion, (Leicester, UK: UK Islamic Academy, 2003),   in Ahlan wa Sahlan, September 2004, pp.6-10.

9.   S.M. Ghazanfar (ed.) Medieval Islamic Economic Thought: Filling the “Great Gap” in European Economics, Foreword by Todd Lowry (London and New York: Routledge Curzon, 2003), archived at http://www.eh.net/bookreviews/title.php.

10. Timur Kuran, Islam and Mammon: The Economic Predicaments of Islamism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004), to be published in the Journal of Islamic Studies (Oxford).

11. Munawar Iqbal and Rodney Wilson, eds., Islamic Perspectives on Wealth Creation (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006)

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